Coworking Open Day

Coworking Open Day
  • 7 December 2021
  • 11:00 am to 1:30 pm
  • Canberra Innovation Network - Level 5, 1 Moore Street CANBERRA
  • 02 6162 1149

Event information

We all know how challenging it can be to work from home. The dishes in the sink staring you down and washing calling your name, begging to be folded. Not to mention how static it can become when you’re in the same four walls trying to find inspiration.

If you’re looking to change it up, come along for a tour of our Coworking space!

In the heart of the city, you’ll have access to bookable meeting rooms, full time, part time or hot desks, regular community engagements and bookable office hours with experts in various fields.

You’ll find inspiration and collaboration opportunities around every corner amongst our community of innovative entrepreneurs and start-ups.