
Scaleup Program

Get support to scale up your business

Whether you are a scaleup looking to grow, later stage startup looking to move quickly, an ambitious SME or a research spin-out, Canberra Innovation Network’s scaleup programs are tailored to help you.

Our experienced team facilitates targeted support to leaders of growing companies as they deal with new challenges. Our team have worked in depth with many companies as they grow which enables us to add value on a wide variety of challenges and experiences of growing companies. We empower you to lead your projects better.

A core method is to help you find and get the most out of a wide range of resources that can help as you build your business. We activate and connect with mentors, experts, investors and advisors. Importantly, we encourage you to leverage externally run programs that build on our in-house activities. Successful projects usually get help from a wide range of local, national and worldwide resources.

Scaleup Leaders Group

Sophisticated content and small-group conversations with your peers and targeted guests that empower you to deal with the many challenges of growing an impactful innovation company.

The scaleup leaders group meets monthly for small group conversations between leaders of companies that have raised significant capital or rapidly growing team or revenue. We introduce guest speakers for intimate and open deep dives on relevant topics. We facilitate discussions on topics that scaleup founders need to engage with.

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Founder Conversations

Leading an innovative project is hard – Founder Conversations enable you to talk through challenges and explore solutions. From engaging with hundreds of companies our team are experienced in helping founders to think about a wide variety of challenges. We don’t offer solutions but instead bring an outside perspective, empathise with you as a leader and help you to look for solutions.

We connect a wide range of mentors with relevant experience to entrepreneurs with the goal of empowering those entrepreneurs to have more impact. As companies grow, targeted new mentor and expert connections can help founders build their extended team.


Investor Connections

We connect entrepreneurs to relevant investors through investor showcase events, the griffin accelerator program and other activities. Our team can talk to you about the capital raising process and has a wide understanding of the investor landscape. If you’re interested in investing or seeking investment, book a meeting.

Incubation Space

Join a thriving community of ambitious innovation companies located in our coworking and office spaces. You’ll be able to have richer interactions with other innovation leaders and our team as you build your business. We believe in the power of connecting in the workplace.

Program & Expert Connections

We believe founders can benefit from diverse support. We understand the landscape of local, national and international programs and can help you understand the options. You can talk to us about how to find the right experts, advisors and other people as you grow.

Growth Labs

When a founder conversation is not enough, our skilled team can lead an intense session facilitating your team to freshly engage with a key challenge. After we identify a clear challenge, we bring in an external expert and facilitate a process to create new thinking and deal with the elephant in the room.

We're here to help

Whatever stage your business is in, there are a range of opportunities in Canberra.

Find out about additional funding pathways, training & skill development opportunities and connect with a like-minded innovation community.

Latest Incubation news

We value your feedback! Learning from customers is crucial, whether it’s a compliment, comment or complaint.
It’s really important for us to know what we’re doing well and what we can improve on.

If you have feedback on any of our programs or your user experience, please let us know.