Advanced Startup Workshop: Selling to Grow

Taking phone calls in Selling to Grow workshop
  • 18 November 2021
  • 1:00 pm to 4:30 pm
  • Canberra Innovation Network - Level 5, 1 Moore Street CANBERRA
  • 02 6162 1149

Event information

High impact, high growth potential entrepreneurs can apply for a 50% subsidy for Advanced Startup Workshops here.

This workshop will now be held in-person at the Canberra Innovation Network.

Find customers and make sales! Your innovative business or startup must make sales to thrive.

This workshop will allow you to spend an afternoon learning practical methods to find customers and make sales. Bring a phone – you’ll be finding and talking to real customers!

Led by Nick McNaughton the CEO of ANU Connect Ventures, our experienced facilitators, have a proven track record in selling. We love empowering entrepreneurs to make sales by helping them to put into practice simple methods that really work. You’ll realise that you can be more effective and you’ll learn how to design and execute an effective sales process.

This workshop is part of the Advanced Startup Workshops Series and will help you understand the tools and techniques you need to sell your idea to real customers.

You can do it as a one-off or as a package with the whole-day Raising Capital & Negotiating Terms Workshop. If you have a high-growth start-up we offer to partially sponsor your ticket – if you are interested please contact us or if you don’t know us already complete our expression of interest form!