We’re highlighting our business’ strongest asset: our wonderful team!

Here at the Canberra Innovation Network, we’re passionate about innovation and are here to help you make an impact and change the world. Our team is full of clever, connected and creative people and we’re excited to introduce you to our Office Manager and Executive Assistant to the CEO, Candace Rhind.

Explain what you do at CBRIN in 25 words or less.
I cheerfully try to keep the space running smoothly, support the CEO and the CBRIN team, and build our awesome community of coworkers.

Tell us about what you’re working on at the moment.
Currently I’m working on getting some exciting new Coworking software, Office RnD, up and running.

I’ve also been working with our newest team members, Hayley and Joshni, to refresh some of the areas of our space, and think about how we can make CBRIN even better for coworkers.

Who or what inspires you?
Maybe it’s pandering, but honestly — my CBRIN teammates. I’m incredibly lucky to work with passionate, talented individuals who are also caring, genuine humans. The CBRIN team operates in a no-judgement zone, where you can ask the “dumb” questions, and be given helpful advice and the opportunity to give something a “go”.

What’s your favourite book or podcast?
The Expanse” sci-fi book series by James S.A Corey, on audiobook.

What are you most passionate about?
Making people happy! I just want everyone to have a good day, a great week, an amazing year …

If you could dis-invent one thing, what would it be and why?
Beauty pageants. They’re weird, man.

Drink of choice? 
Love a good, rich stout.

What do you work towards in your free time?
I try to raise a teenager without inflicting too much trauma.

What’s the coolest innovation you’ve read or heard about lately?
Virtualy experiencing makeup and perfume; Jess Herrington, a neuroscientist from ANU, recently pitched her augmented reality work in translating sensory experiences to virtual experiences at First Wednesday Connect. It’s absolutely fascinating and would have so many real-world applications!

What is something that never fails to make you smile?
Autumn-leafed trees against the backdrop of moody, rain-clouded sky.

What are you currently watching on Netflix?
Powering through a “Supernatural” re-watch on Prime, and thoroughly enjoying the early-2000s fashion nostalgia.

Tell us something interesting about yourself that we may not know.
I love Latin dancing, especially salsa and mambo. I’m part of a performance team with Salsabor Dance School and train every weekend. You can catch us next performing at Floriade (if it goes ahead!!).

If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?

Thanks, Candace! You can connect with her on LinkedIn or meet her at our office in Civic.