We’re highlighting our business’ strongest asset: our wonderful team!

Here at the Canberra Innovation Network, we’re passionate about innovation and are here to help you make an impact and change the world. Our team is full of clever, connected and creative people and we’re excited to introduce you to our Innovation Community Manager, Hollie Bell.

Explain what you do at CBRIN in 25 words or less.
I’m the Innovation Community Manager for Launch on Northbourne. Hired by CBRIN, but they don’t like me enough to have me around the (Moore Street) office full-time 😉

Tell us about what you’re working on at the moment.
I’m working on staying sane during lockdown and wrapping up the Cyber Security Business Accelerator.

Who or what inspires you?
Nature inspires me.

What’s your favourite book or podcast?
I have to confess I’m not a reader, and have only just started audio books. I find reading difficult (staying on track), but love a good educational article.

Can I say my favorite childhood book? The Digging-Est Dog by Al Perkins. Oh! And Save our Sleep; I’ll never be more thankful to a book for teaching me how to get my babies to sleep. Proof of results: 2 kids still alive, 1 mother not in jail.

What are you most passionate about?
Sewing! I’m not a fashion designer but I love sewing and creating something that goes from 2d form to 3d form. When I know someone has made their clothes, I’ll check out their seams and zip finishes. I have a fabric addiction, too.

I’m in the mood to make some way OTT dresses at the moment, so am searching for gala ball’s go-to for next year.

The thing that has sucked most about lockdown ’21 is that both my machines have been at the repair shop.

And no, I will not hem your pants.

If you could dis-invent one thing, what would it be and why?
Mobile phones. Just look around at the human race for your reason why.

Drink of choice? 
I drink coffee for the froth, and the froth is there to dump a tablespoon of hot chocolate powder on top of.

What do you work towards in your free time?
I work towards being kind and aware of other people.

Hollie Bell

What’s the coolest innovation you’ve read or heard about lately?
About 20 years ago I was wondering how long it would take for humans to invent a way of  visualizing and recording people’s dreams during sleep.

I saw an article this past August on a medical breakthrough that’s able to convert someones thoughts into voice/text. The benefits for people trapped in comas or not able to communicate verbally are immeasurable.

What is something that never fails to make you smile?
Cycling through the streets of Canberra in Spring or Autumn.

What are you currently watching on Netflix?
Turning Point: 9/11 and the War on Terror; it’s a 5-part documentary about America’s involvement in the war on terrorism. And Babylon Berlin, which is possibly the best TV show ever made. Every episode is film-quality and I can see why it’s the best selling foreign language series ever. I can’t wait for season 4.

Tell us something interesting about yourself that we may not know.
I went to boarding school just before my seventh birthday.

If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?
Traffic light green.

Thanks, Hollie! You can connect with her on LinkedIn or meet her at our office on Northbourne Avenue.