Sami Chaudhury, Shourhid Huda, Michael Ellis, Brian Forster-Jones, Stevan Miladinovic, Elliot Kahn, Elliott Sutton, and Harry Thompson are on a mission to create a real solution to hangovers to take back your day after enjoying your night.

What is your company name?

Prepear Drink Company

How would you explain your company to a toddler?

Remember when Mum and Dad shared that bottle over dinner last night? You know, that bottle they made you promise never to drink from? Now remember when they woke up a little sick this morning? They took forever to get out of bed and make your breakfast?

Next time, before they open that bottle give them a Prepear and they’ll be breakfast ready! At Prepear we want to make sure Mum and Dad don’t feel sick on those Sunday mornings!

How would you explain your company to an investor?

At Prepear, we are formulating a beverage to help our customers metabolise alcohol more efficiently. In doing so, our product will help reduce the impact of our customers’ hangovers they might experience after a night of drinking. We believe everyone should be able to have a few drinks without dearly paying for it the next morning. We want our customers to let their hair down the night before and make the most of their following day.

What made you start your business? Was there a turning point that helped you take the leap?

For a long time, the team at Prepear had a problem with combating the mornings following a bit of drinking. We came by the idea of Prepear by happenstance and saw an opportunity to become trendsetters in the Australian hangover relief industry. We are united with the aim of building a company around solving what continues to be a universal problem.

What part of being in GRIFFIN are you most excited about?

Being part of the GRIFFIN cohort is an incredible privilege. To have access to a wonderful workspace and to be surrounded by so many successful entrepreneurs, all of whom we can call on for advice, is unbelievable.

One thing we are most excited about is bringing all those involved with GRIFFIN on our journey.

What part of GRIFFIN are you most scared of?

We are most scared about delving into what is mostly unknown for us. None of us are experienced entrepreneurs. We are fortunate to have the mentorship and guidance from those at GRIFFIN.

What do you expect to achieve and learn in this program over the next 12 weeks?

Over the next 12 weeks we hope to get a good grasp over what is required to run a successful business. We want to build a strong network. Ultimately from all of this we want to build a strong brand presence and make a name for ourselves in the business world.

Which movie or television character best describes your business personality?

Don Draper

How can we find you on social media?

Do you have a story we should feature?