Woman in Innovation: Amy Crawford & Lou Maconachie
Innovation is at the heart of improvisation. During improvised theatre, it’s a constant journey of discovering new ideas through spontaneity and collaboration.

Each Wednesday we interview women in our community about innovation and what drives them to make a difference in their industries everyday!

What are you working on?
We teach improvised performance skills to help people communicate, create and connect at work and in everyday life. The skills that we use to create theatre from nothing are the very same skills that develop communication skills, collaboration, innovation, problem-solving, leadership and resilience for all our participants. Plus it’s fun.

Why is innovation important to you?
Innovation is at the heart of improvisation. During improvised theatre, it’s a constant journey of discovering new ideas through spontaneity and collaboration and accepting that sometimes those ideas will fail. We know that creative thinking, ideas generation and not being afraid to fail are skills you can develop and practice. It’s a myth that you either “have it or you don’t”. That’s why we love teaching improvised theatre skills to the broader community.

What drives you to make a difference?
The strong desire to see people connect and communicate better. We think that if people really could stop, listen (really listen) and connect, then personal and professional lives would be greatly improved all round. We also strive to make a difference to help women with confidence in communication as it’s such a foundation skill no matter what industry you work in.

Do you have any advice for getting more women into the innovation ecosystem?
A deeper respect for time boundaries could help women (and men) to have the head-space to develop their unique and creative ideas. At Lightbulb, we often say “Time is our most precious asset.” As mothers with young children, we often find ourselves squeezed when it comes to sharing time between family and business. It would be great to see a more open conversation about the competing pressure of business and family responsibilities and how we can negotiate and respect time boundaries.

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