Woman in Innovation: Anna Gurnhill
"I believe the greatest rewards are achieved when one steps outside of their comfort zone..."

Each Wednesday we interview women in our community about innovation and what drives them to make a difference in their industries everyday!

What are you working on?
CycleLifeHQ’s approach to bicycle tourism is unique in our central premise to provide quality, curated ride listings which link with supporting local businesses, facilities and services. This makes it really easy for cyclists to research, plan and book their next bicycle vacation as a holistic package experience.

Our approach allows destinations to quickly and affordably showcase their region through a bespoke global platform which markets directly to locals as well as visiting bicycle tourists.

We help destinations commercialize their cycling assets and drive economic growth. We have specific capabilities and an online platform that allows local government authorities and local businesses to activate and network their destination to deliver outstanding bike tourism experiences.

Why is innovation important to you?
It’s important to always try to do things bigger, better and more efficiently and effectively. It’s great to seek new challenges, to make new discoveries and to push boundaries. I believe the greatest rewards are achieved when one steps outside of their comfort zone and explores new horizons. If this can be used for the betterment of society, even better!

What drives you to make a difference?
I live a very privileged and fortunate life; and am always keen to use this to give back and help others. I have a deep personal love of riding bikes, and understand the transformative power it has – for individuals and for communities. I’m keen to share my experience of cycling to help improve others’ lives – whether it be for transportation, recreation or leisure. The bike is a powerful tool – it provides access to education and employment, especially in developing countries; it helps cities ease traffic congestion and pollution; it binds communities, families and friends; and creates lasting memories. It also provides mental and physical health.

Do you have any advice for getting more women into the innovation ecosystem?
If you have a dream, or an idea, do it. There is never a good time; you will never have everything perfectly in place – including your business model and a clear picture of how to achieve what it is you set out to do. Innovation and entrepreneurship is an iterative process and an evolution. Accept feedback, advice and constructive criticism along the way; particularly from mentors and from your customers. Define the problem and clearly articulate how you provide the solution.

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