Woman in Innovation: Sophie Lewis
"We must stick together and build each other up."

We interview women in our community about innovation and what drives them to make a difference in their industries everyday!

What are you working on?

I’m a scientist. My research looks at how extreme weather and climate events have changed over time, whether these changes are linked to climate change and what we should be expecting in the future. I also lecture on environmental hazard and try to teach as many school kids as possible about climate change and science.

Why is innovation important to you?

Innovation is what is going to help us prepare for a more extreme climate future. While changes in global mean temperatures might seem small and not worth worrying about, these are already causing big changes in the frequency, severity and duration of some climate extremes. And it’s these extremes that push the ability of human and natural systems to cope. We are going to have to develop new technologies, processes and ways of doing things to be best prepared for a more extreme future.

What drives you to make a difference?

Climate change is already affecting everyone on the planet and will do so for decades to come. I want us to be as prepared as possible for the future, and also reducing greenhouse gas emissions so we avoid the worst impacts of climate change. I’m motivated by this, and helping make the world better for our kids.

Do you have any advice for getting more women into the innovation ecosystem?

Stick together and build each other up.

Give us your shamelss plug!

I just got awarded the title of ACT Scientist of the Year.

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