The 2023 Innovation Showcase is Canberra Innovation Network’s biggest event of the year! It offers a unique opportunity to recognise the amazing individuals in the innovation and startup ecosystem, highlighting their successes and inspiring even bigger goals for the new year!

At this year’s Innovation Showcase, Canberra startups will go head-to-head in a high-intensity pitching competition judged by YOU.

So, who will be part of this epic lineup?

Introducing Teresa from Your Season.

What impact do you see your innovation having when shaping the future?

I want it to invert the current shopping model of fashion houses dictating what is available and you, the overwhelmed shopper, having to fit your square peg into their round hole. I want to streamline the shopping experience, increasing buyer satisfaction, reducing waste, and getting clothes to bend over backwards to enhance the good looks YOU ALREADY HAVE, so you can make every day YOUR SEASON.

What has been the high of the year for you?

There have been so many great moments this year! I think the pinnacle so far must have been being awarded the ICON Grant. I was jumping around excited for days afterwards! The ICON Grant enabled me to pay for the creation of Your Season’s MVP, including web development, algorithm creation, and legal fees.

If you could disinvent something, what would it be and why?

I don’t think I would disinvent anything. Everything is a development and brings us forward to this moment. Undoing any of it would mean lots of other unintentional things could change, too. I think it is important for people inventing though to try and take into account the effect it will have on others and nature.

What is one innovation that has shaped your future?

I was so excited when I found out someone had finally created convertible shoes (Pashion). The idea that people can get bothered enough about a problem to fix it not only for themselves, but en masse, is really inspiring to me.

Want to learn more about Teresa and Your Season? Watch her pitch at the Innovation Showcase on Wednesday, 6 December 2023. Register now!