
We’re highlighting our business’ strongest asset: our wonderful team!

Here at the Canberra Innovation Network, we’re passionate about innovation and are here to help you make an impact and change the world. Our team is full of clever, connected, and creative people and we’re excited to introduce you to our new Reception and Marketing Support, Tash Kelly

Explain what you do at CBRIN in 25 words or less.

I am the smiling face you see when you walk through the door and the one who supports the marketing and comms team 🙂

Tell us about what you are working on at the moment.

Currently in the middle of updating the monthly newsletter that gets sent out to our master mailing list.

 Who or what inspires you?

My parents! They are just absolute legends. They both wear their heart on their sleeve, tackle every day with a smile and never let the big things get them down. I owe who I am to them.

What’s your favourite book or podcast?

Hamish and Andy OR Crime Junky (gotta have a mix of laughs and true crime or else it will get me down)

What are you most passionate about?

Dogs! (and I guess I should probably say something about innovation or marketing…)

If you could dis-invent one thing, what would it be and why?

Decaf coffee. Just drink a hot chocolate or chai if you don’t want caffeine.

What’s your poison?

Soy Flat White for my lactose intolerant self

What do you work towards in your free time?

Building my business – Tash’s Tails. It is a Canberra based pet sitting company where I look after your animals while you’re away. It takes up way too much of my time – so much so my own dog gets depressed because I’m with only dogs….

What’s the coolest innovation you’ve read or heard about lately?

The defrosting tray! Legit defrosts anything in 5mins. No more throwing the mince in the microwave when you hear the garage door open and realise your mum is home and you forgot to defrost it.

What is something that never fails to make you smile?

My dog 🙂 Her name is Cameo, she is a staffy so is always smiling back at me.

What are you currently watching on Netflix?

Re-watching Friends for the 100th time.

Tell us something interesting about yourself that we may not know

My goal is to be one of the strongest female powerlifters in Australia.

If you were a crayon, what colour would you be?


Thanks, Tash! You can connect with Tash on LinkedIn or meet her at our office in the city.