What are you pitching at the Innovation Showcase?

We are pitching the business transformation services that DDP provides to clients across Government (Federal and Local), Higher Education, Private Sector and with local Canberra Start-ups.

We’ve gathered nerds of a feather across our team and they’re flocked together to make things better for our clients. We haven’t yet met a problem that we can’t fix! We co-design simple solutions to complex problems and work to get the best outcomes for our clients, their teams and their customers.

 If the sky is the limit, what is your ultimate goal?

Continue to grow our team of amazing continuous improvement ninja’s and grow our reach as we are recognised for bringing bespoke, high quality, co-designed solutions and support our clients to thrive.

 What has been the high of the year for you?

2022 has been a huge year of growth and learning for DDP! We are so proud to have achieved a number of strategic goals for our clients as well as our business and also win 2 amazing awards!! We were named one of the Top 10 up and coming Digital Transformation companies in the APAC region and one of our co-founders, Mandy Snashall was named Canberra Small Business Woman of the Year! We were truly humbled by this recognition for DDP and our journey to date.

Clever, Connected & Creative. Which of these words do you most identify with and why?

Connected. We are all about connecting with our clients, their stakeholders, and customers, our networks, within our team and with our partners. We have had so much collaboration, kindness and support on our journey so far and look forward continuing to build our connections with fellow innovative Canberra companies as we grow.

 What does innovation mean to you?

We think of innovation as being a method for solving problems when different thinking is required. Innovation is about discovery and is not necessarily about building things. For us, successful innovation is about understanding and solving the problem from the customer perspective, being able to articulate high quality ideas (e.g. ideating internally within an organisation, ideating with customers / users, looking outwards at competitors and understanding macro trends and using data).